Saturday, September 22, 2007

Influence: Who, what, when, where, how and why?

Another week, another adventure. That's right. I'm hoping to leave the Dallas area sometime within the next two weeks but I'm shooting for next week. I'm indecisive about where to go next. I wouldn't mind walking down the beach before I head to Michigan for Christmas. With that said I'm thinking coastal. It has been awhile since I've been to Ocean City, Maryland and I know the Sun Festival is coming soon so who knows. I have been wanting to see Charlotte, South Carolina for the longest time so I've considered checking it out for a week or two also. I could drive south to the Gulf in Texas and work my way across I-10 and hit LA, MS, AL and FL then work my way up the eastern seaboard. I dont know. So many things to do and so little money. : D I know one thing for sure though, Casting Crowns is on tour and I am 100% committed to seeing one of their shows. I have not heard their new album yet but their old stuff is all still new to me. I reach a level of bliss when I listen to their music. It completely engulfs me and my spirituality. Although I love music I can honestly say that there are not many bands out there that lift me up like they do. God is working thru their talent in such a way that new christians discover their faith daily while listening to Casting Crowns. I think that's just amazing that one group of people can have as much impact as they do. I aspire to have the same influence one day.

What does it take to influence people? Is there a connection between the right set of words and their desire to hear the right answer? What can I say or do that will help you? Or better yet, what can I say or do that will help you find your way into Gods arms? Do they have to be seeking the truth or are your words and actions powerful enough that they that door? It's hard for me to say. I have personally witnessed selfless actions that in turn have filled congregations with new born christians. The emotional loss of being a storm victim can be influenced in a dangerous way I think. Dangerous because if nobody is there to help them they will blame God for their losses and never consider stepping into a church as long as they live. On the other hand if a complete stranger enters their life and helps them rebuild and asks for nothing in return, it really makes them wonder why. There is a level of sacrifice that is indescribable that goes into selfless service. They see that although we do our best not to show it. But the fact is that the sacrifice was enough to make them wonder about our motivation and why we do the things we do. That's the magic of being a missionary. You can really see God working thru others in a tragic disaster. It's quite refreshing and strangely enough it's why I do what I do.

So if influence thru selfless service contributes to turning an atheist into a believer how come more people don't do it? Many claim to be Christians and claim to be born again but I believe actions speak louder than words. I don't say that to give some impression that I'm not without sin cause believe me.... I sin all the time. It's not always intentional but I'm still growing and I consider myself still a pup of a christian. I cant make decisions for other people, only for myself. While I title this blog "Adventure Book" I share with you my spiritual adventure as well. It's not just about going from one place to the next. Nobody can leave on an adventure and arrive at their destination one minute later. There is a distance to travel in between. There are experiences to be learned. It's the road less traveled that makes the adventure and adventure in the first place. It's a fantastic journey if you slow down and take a look around. Why would you want to be at the end of your journey without having an adventure along the way?

While adventuring around the world might sound appealing, I want to convey a strong come with a lot of hard lessons. It comes with hardships and sorrow. It's not all fun and games as television would make things appear. But that's the best part about it. God walks with us. He tells us things will be alright. He guides us but lets us have hardships because without them we would not learn how to serve him. Without seeing other peoples sorrows how can we learn compassion? Without compassion how can we learn remorse? It's the lessons we learn that make us who we are. So when times get tough remember that. God isn't doing this TO you, he's doing this FOR you!

Do we need to go thru massive hardships to be selfless? Of coarse not! But it's in my opinion that people that have experienced them tend to have more compassion when they see strangers going thru their hardships. So believe me when I say that I have LOTS of compassion!!! LOL : D

Where is your compassion and where do your priorities lie? This week on television they showed Africa in ruins. Flooding has devastated 1000's of miles in Africa. Over 100,000 people are homeless. The story would run for all of 60 seconds and then the next 59 minutes talk about the presidential election and the Iranian President wanting to visit the twin tower site in NYC. Have we lost our minds? Over 100,000 people are HOMELESS!! I'll save my media gripes for another blog entry. But how many of you dropped everything and jumped on the phone to donate 50 bucks to the Red Cross? Fifty dollars is less than I use to spend at Starbucks in a weeks time when I worked at the Pentagon. It's not chump change but if you didn't have it it's not something that would effect you that much. They live in mud huts and drink nasty contaminated water. Do you think your bills are bad? Thank God that you have bills! My point is that we all seem to draw a line at what amount of help we can give. But where does it end? You have to wonder what Jesus would do. I think we all know the answer to that.

Because you saw the story about Africa and didn't donate doesn't make you a bad christian. I use it as one example of opportunity that we have missed. There an old wise mans theory that says "If I gave a million people each one dollar I would be broke, but if a million people each gave me one dollar I would be a millionaire". The reason why this is relevant is because it's the collective that makes the most impact. So if you think that for one second your fifty bucks wont make a difference then you are sadly mistaken. If you think you cashing in on that vacation or sick time to head to the gulf and help tear out moldy drywall for 2 weeks wont make a difference then you are again mistaken. To make a difference is to be the difference!

When you contribute and see first hand how God uses your actions to make a difference in someones life, you will have truly discover who you have to potential to be. The whole point of christianity is to lead by example much as in the way Jesus did. To influence someone thru your actions will be one of the most rewarding things you will experience in this life. And once you've done it the first time, it will change you forever. I'm not talking about giving your spare change to the homeless man standing fifty feet away from your $40,000 SUV either. I'm talking about truly getting your hands dirty. Jesus said "the way to the father is thru me". When you have that conversation with Jesus what do you want him to see? Don't just be a christian, be a good christian! Lead by example and remember influence starts somewhere. Why not let it start with you?

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Gingerbread Men

Well here it is September 8th 2007. For the past month I have been in Forth Worth, Texas. Just staying busy doing small roof repairs and handyman work for the time being. I've been working on my book a little lately. Sad to say it's been 6 months since I put a word in it but I hope to rectify that. I've also been knocking out a few drawings. Lets see, I've drawn the face of a woman, a still life with the bible, and empty glass and some fruit and I've also drawn a cartoon of disney characters (for the little girl next door but she dont know yet ). Thats unusual for me to do so many drawings in such a short period of time. I usually only do 2 a year or so. Not sure why, I just felt like drawing. Maybe cause the music. I've been listening to alot lately.

Yesterday marked the anniversary of a really bad day in my life. One that would alter it into what has led me back into church. But I still struggle after years of trying to recover. Guess I'm just not the tough soldier I always thought I was. Everybody has got something right? I think we all have a little chunk taken out of our hearts sometimes. Each person takes it differently. Some are unphased. I'm not sure which I would rather be as I think it's my affection thats one of my best qualities.

Anyway I have both short term and long term plans for myself. They involve me making it thru the short term so I can get to the long term. : D Just kidding its not that bad. I have begun investigating new roads to travel. I think I've found a great opportunity for more adventure. I am refering to the financial means to continue doing what I do. I cant seem to rally up enough strength to ask for help. I did twice during the Gainesville floods but it's an undescribable sense of failure and quite frankly it's one of the worst emotions I have ever felt. I'm a giver and have never been much of a taker. It's a little easier when people offer but almost impossible for me to ask for. And believe me, if I wasnt sleeping in my truck and eating ramen noodles I wouldnt have. I would rather sleep in my truck than ask next time though!

Thanks to Mike and Ed. If you guys read this I cant explain how thankful I am for your understanding and more so with your compassion and faith. Mike is from Ohio and has not only been a spiritual guide for me but he has been a friend to the people of Gainesville, Texas. Without his financial and moral support I would have left much earlier. I take things to heart fairly easily and I shouldnt. I was told when I did my first disaster that there is no room for emotion in this line of work. That statement holds true and I firmly believe that. Someone has to be in control of their emotions regardless of how bad things get. I cry like a 10 year old girl sometimes but the trick is to never let a storm victim see you cry. Your there to help their morale, not break it. Cant be much of a shining light if your bulb is burnt out. Understand? Anyway Mike thank you for changing my "bulb". I needed that and owe ya one.

Well this Texas thing is getting kinda boring. Theres a lot here Im sure but nothinig to do if your broke. It's really nice and it's amazing how low the cost of living is here. I can rent a 3500 sq foot house for $1200 a month!! That was my pet fee in my apartment in Virginia lol. My rent was twice that on a 2 bedroom apartment! So ya, it's cheap to live here and the area has all new homes around Fort Worth. It's a nice area but like I said, no money = boring.

Where to next? Well I have many ideas but think I'm going to try to get a little perspective first. I hated asking for help in my last disaster so I'm trying to plan the next one accordingly. What can I do to minimize my expenses and be more productive during the next big disaster? Wish I had a mobile home! I spent like 75% of my budget on hotel expenses in Gainesville. Normally I would be welcome in a church office or something like that but Gainesville was very unwelcoming to ALL outsiders. Theres no such thing as good people anymore so we must have an angle they think. :D But my point is I cant do that again. I have no issues sleeping in my truck as long as I had a bigger truck hehe. Showering and changing clothes would be the only challenge there. But next time I get a new vehicle the only 3 concerns I'll have is 1) can I sleep in it if it comes to that, 2) will it get me where I'm wanting to go and 3) can it pull a fifth wheel? That would be a God sent but maybe one day in like 2099 or so.

I have asked (yup you heard those three words come from my mouth) for a friends newspaper to help me an ad together so I can get some stationary and other office supplies. Things like business cards and embroidered polo shirt are items I would like to have by the time I go into the next disaster. I need to look a little more organized and professional I think. I dont mind furnishing info for a background check but references are a little hard to come by for someone new in the disaster relief industry. So I dont know, maybe if I look more professional they would welcome my imput a little more. If they dont know and the information I put out helps than thats fantastic. But if they dont know and dont care what I have to teach then the community losses out and we cant have that. This is a really dog eat dog industry and there are some really mean people in it. Even some church leaders can be really ugly at times. You can never be prepared but you can eliminate chances for it to happen. So thats my plan.

After a few more disasters I think I will be ready to put a team together. I wanted to after Katrina but noone took me seriously and thought I was just caught up in the moment or something. But I really do. I'm glad my invitations fell on deaf ears because it would have been a different ballgame if I had more to take care of. Perhaps it would be easier I'm not sure. What I do know is that a leader cant teach what he dont know. So even though I'm gifted in leadership and other areas pertaining to disaster relief, I have alot to learn. Perhaps one day between hurricane seasons I'll register for some disaster relief classes. I am a sponge for knowledge but I'm just not in the mindset or position to do it during or after a disaster.

How do we know what Gods calling is for us? As I peck away at this keyboard I dont know what I'm writing until it kinda flows from my mind into my fingers. Improvisation! Perhaps thats how it's supposed to be. Some in my family disagree with what I do. I have been on the road since 1992 and have traveled all over the world. They look at it as time away from the family but I look at it as opportunity. Hehe not opportunity to get away from my family. but opportunity for experience. What will happen if I do this till the day I die? I will have left nothing behind but when I died I had tons of knowledge. I think the meaning of life is to live free and love everyone and everythinig. No I'm not a hippee and there are not peace signs and flowers all over my truck but I understand their mindset and agree on most of their views. Back to our calling... there is no instruction book. The only thing like that is called the bible and it's meant as a guide. So if it's commonly refered to as the "social norm" why does that mean most Americans must do it? Who ever said 4 years of college, a 9-5 job, 2.5 kids, a mortgage and death? What a waste! Think I got it bad cause I'm broke? We I think you got it bad cause your wealthy! With leverage comes consequence! Money is leverage over personal posessions but in no way does it carry it's weight on a creative mind. An artists talent cannot be bought. It is a gift from God. Education has become more about sustaining personal posessions that it has helping mankind.

See a homeless man and call him a bum? Is he more free because he's not playing by societies rules? The bible says a man must work or he shall not eat. It does not say a man must work or he shall not have a 73 inch plasma tv. We've done it to ourselves and theres nobody we can blame. The real gift is seeing it! See how society is like a bunch of little cookies stamped with a gingerbread cookie cutter. They follow each other like ducks and walk right into the fire. WOW! They dont even realize it! So the man you just though a bum is smarter than you are because he realized it. It's harder once you do. It's like the movie the Matrix. Once you see the truth you cant live your life in the same way. Society is leading you and you should ask why. Every thing you do for the next 24 hours I want you to ask yourself this questions... "Who says I have to do this"? When you ask that you will realize all the things that your doing because the rest of society does it.

Anyway. Gotta go. Might go to hospital tomorrow. Been having problems with my right hand. God bless and thanks for reading.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Ok so around June 14th I drove down to Nashville in hopes of relocating there. I drove almost straight thru from Michigan. I got a cheap hotel room in Ohio but after I layed my head down my dog went nuts. Come to find out the field accross the street was hosting the 2007 police and firemans games for the state of Ohio. There were K-9 everywhere and Baxter wouldnt let me sleep. I finally got up anf loaded the truck and left. The hotel was $40 bucks and a major dump but the owner wouldnt give me my money back hehe.

So I got right back on the freeway and Baxter and I were Nashville bound once again. I hit an outlet mall somewhere in Kentucky so I could stretch my feet a little. I bought a new pair of running shoes in the Adidas store. They were the first pair of new shoes and as the matter of fact, they were the first real thing I've bought myself since I arrived in Mississippi for Hurricane Katrina in 2005. It was a good feeling and I felt "free" for a moment. Not even a year before this I couldnt afford to buy deoderant so ya, it's a good feeling. It's almost impossible to get sponsorship for disasters if you have too much pride to ask like I do. I hate that about myself. I would rather sleep in my truck and eat ramen noodles then ask for help. I just cant do it. So ya, it was nice being able to buy something for myself.

So I get back on the road and I'm just pumped up. I love driving and more important, I love the adventure! Around 4am I arrive in Brentwood, TN. I knew the first place I was going before I even left Michigan hehe. Theres a small gas station there that sells the best, freshest banana chips I've ever had. So I dropped in there and bought a bag and a tall black coffee. I arrived at the hotel sometime around 5am. After checking in and unloading I took a hour long shower and just before I passed out from exhaustion I managed to slip into my bed.

The next afternoon I met some old friends for coffee. Tom and Rhonda are a fantastic couple I met when I was here before. We had alot to talk about and after decided to head to the Country Music Hall of Fame in downtown Nashville. It was WAY too expensive to get in there especially for someone like me living on a small budget. But I sucked it up and payed the lady but she got the evil eye if you know what I mean! Anyway once inside I was amazed. The statues, wax look-a-likes and all the stuff in there made me realize why they charge so much. All I have to say is WOW! After another coffee I left Tom and Rhonda and headed back to the hotel to give my feet a break.

When I was there in December 2006 I loved it so much I wanted to move there. They have some awsome radio stations there also. I only mention that because it's hard to find good christian rock stations anymore. So I could just sit in my room or in my truck for hours and listen to all the best toons ever. I love that station!

Anyway I fell in love with Nashville and the Granny White Church of Christ. It's a fantastic church and reminds me of my father. He use to write songs and back in the 70's he wrote a country song called "Ole Granny White". I never understood the song and never put much thought into the song but I use to love it as a kid. One day I was driving down Granny White Pike talking to my father on the cell phone. He told me the song was written BECAUSE of Granny White and the historical significance she had on our troops in the civil war. It turns out Brentwood, Tennessee has quite the history and it inspired my father when he lived there long long ago. I thought that was pretty cool.

After calling a lady I made arrangements with prior to coming down here, I discovered I dont have a home to rent after all. So I went. I called and I called and I called. Man it seemed like everything was too expensive and if it wasnt it wouldnt allow a dog. I was having horrible luck. I went thru the papers every day and still had no luck in the area I was looking.

On June 20th I had been at the hotel longer than I anticipated at this point. I couldnt stay there much longer or I wouldnt be able to afford a deposit and first months rent on a house. So I had to make some emergency decisions here. Do I put my dog in a kennel till I find something more permanent? Do I get rid of my dog so I can get something in my price range? I seriously went back to step one and didnt know what I was gonna do. So I turned on the TV and poof, there was a story on Hurricane Katrina and Mississippi. I'm thinking to myself, should I go back down there for awhile? Should I go back to Michigan? What should I do and where should I go? I turned the TV off and prayed about it. I asked God to help me decide. I asked him to draw a map for me.

So I went to bed and woke up the next morning. I made a pot of coffee (if thats what you wanna call it) in the pot in my room. I flipped on CNN to see what was happenin and drink my coffee. What I saw was Hurricane Katrina again. Wait! Thats looks like Katrina but the wording said "Texas State Police" on the bottom of the screen. I kept watching and learned there was a major flood down in Gainesville, Texas. Man it looked just like Katrina from the pics. Choppers flying over and rescuing families and the whole shot. WOW! I never even knew there was a storm there.

I thought it out and jumped on my computer. I looked for a hotel or apartment for rent down here. I found it on the map and made some calls. It's a small town on the border of Oklahoma. It's about an hour north of Dallas and 2 hours south of Oklahoma City.

Anyway I've been here in Gainseville, Texas since June 25th. I'll write more later but gotta run.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Hi everyone! Long time no post huh? Well get ready to read becuase I have to cover the last 6 months or so.....

Well, I finally left Nashville in December. After a lenghty stay, I was ready for another move back into reality. Around December 15th I said good bye to my friends from Nashville. I have not officially thanked them but will post more later about each and every one of them. But for now I would like to thank Charles Jones. He was a God sent in my life and he is an inspiration to everyone around him. I will make an entire blog post about him later. But for those of you in the disaster relief business, I need not say what an amazing guy he is because if you've ever met him you already know.

So around December 15th I drove to Chattanooga, TN. to see my father. I have not seen him since 1993. While I was serving overseas he left and moved to Tennessee. It was an interesting visit. He looked nothing like the man I saw flinging refrigerators onto a 4 foot tall truck so many years ago. He is skin and bones and in a wheel chair now. He still has his same ole' sense of humor but alot has changed. The biggest change was his baptism into Christ. He can quote chapter and verse and has become a well read christian. He and my step mother Sue live on the side of a mountain in a beautiful village. Signs everywhere point to lack of house maintanence due to his medical condition. It's a sad picture and I know he is not happy. More on this in the future...

After my visit with my father and step mother I drove straight thru to Michigan. I arrived in Michigan just in time for a blizzard. It was nice seeing my family again and we spent days talking about my trip down to the Gulf coast.

Part of the reason I rushed to Michigan was my cousin Kevin was getting married. I can best describe Kevin as a giver and not a receiver. He will do anything for anybody. Those who raised their glasses and toasted him and his beautiful new wife Cherie, had only good things to say about their selfless acts. I respect and love both of them more than words can express. They really helped me out when I was in need. I wish them both an amazingly happy life together!

So I am currently in Northern Michigan and planning my next move. I have been working on my house and have not been nearly as productive as I would like to be. I will be relocating within the next 2 weeks back down south. I really cant say where right now because it's top secret. : D

But know that this is a much anticipated move. I'm not a huge fan of Michigan. I have many reasons for this but the biggest reason is the economy. There is no work here. The automakers keep outsourcing and down sizing and the economy reflects every ripple of that. Property is cheap but if you want to sell.... good luck. I hope your not in a hurry!

I am preparing for another hurricane season. I believe it is my calling and I have been educating myself quite a bit with the politics and behind the scenes area of a disaster. It's an ugly place. People and organizations fight and stab each other in the back for whatever resources become available. I learned the hard way that you have to watch your back. Even the in the church, they show their ugliest face at times. You have to watch your back and protect yourself to the best of your ability. But I have learned some valuable lessons with regards to operational side of disaster relief. It's VERY stressful and can eat you alive if your not strong. Emotionally, financially and spiritually!

I still keep in touch with my friends from Mississippi. I have spoke to them on a regular basis. They are still going strong and continue to serve Hurricane Katrina victims to this day! It's quite amazing actually. I guess some down there could flip a coin and decide if it was the best, or worst, thing ever to happen to them. I think they have an amazing relationship with God and continue doing his will as if to lead by example. Their sacrifice has not gone unseen, I'm sure of it!

Anyway, I will attempt to maintain this blog a little better. I was without internet for quite some time so it was difficult. Google took over this blog and this is the sixth time I've tried to log in and FINALLY was able to. They bounce you all over the place because of the merger so it was a pain. Now I understand why many of my friends changed blog sites. Sorry they removed the spell check. I will download a program and come back to edit later.

Have a good day and God Bless!