Hi everyone! Funny thing is this this blog gets hits off google when people search for something thats listed in here. John taught me how to check some of that info and it's very cool. So I'm gonna add some random words to my post today that I think people will be searching for. Maybe just maybe they will like what they see and come back. ; )
Well yesterday was a very productive day. I talked with many people from the nashville area and get more excited about my trip the closer it gets. As of right now I will be leaving Sunday after church. That is almost certain! I still have not come anywhere close to my financial goal but I got a good feeling God will take care of me. Garth Brooks sang a song that said"One of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers" ; and I firmly believe that. Sometimes we have to play the cards we've been dealt.
I read something interesting this morning about a brother and sister that had been seperated during World War 2. Well somehow the sister (now in her late 70s) nephews searched the internet and FOUND the brother living in Canada. While most of the family has already passed on, they were the only two left from WW2. The nephews (both in their 20s) were able to reunite the brother and sister for the first time in 65 years when both fled Europe. The hugged and kissed for hours while the media had a field day shooting footage of the reunion. Needless to say it was a very heartfelt story and I hope you read it. --->Here is the link <---
Emotion versus faith: Round 1
Sometimes our desires come at a cost. We can control it, but we fight Gods will and suffer instead of accepting it and focusing on more productive things. We feel so strongly about certain things that it is sometimes hard focus on what He wants and expects of us.
Philippians 4:6-7 "Never worry about anything. But in every situation let God know what you need in prayers and requests while giving thanks. Then God's peace, which goes beyond anything we can imagine, will guard your thoughts and emotions thru Christ Jesus".
Throughout life we will be faced with hardships, challenges, obstacles and adversaties. So if every thing that happens to us drags us down, how can that demonstrate our faith in God? If we as christians believe there is a better future waiting for ourselves up in Heaven, why are we so focused on the happenings of today? Well the answer is hard for me also. Emotion is a gift that God has given us. It helps divide the barrier between right and wrong. It allows us to extend our hand and say "brother I am here to help you" as Jesus once did. Without emotion we would be like robots filled with a bitter hatred for everyone and in turn effect our relationship with Christ.
So emotion is without a doubt a gift. One that will define our conversation with Jesus at the gates to Heaven. This emotion thing can be quite painful. It allows people, pets and other things to enter our hearts. When we lose something that is in our hearts and dear to us, we cry, sob, weap, become depressed and sometimes angry. It's never easy and was never meant to be.
Most ethnicities around the world celebrate death. The reasons vary but for the most part they believe the passing of a loved one is their beginning of life in Heaven with God. As christians we believe the repenteance of sins, being baptized, believing in Jesus and living our life like the bible says, will get us into heaven. But have we ever stopped to realize that mourning a loss could be a sin? Wouldnt that be the same as telling God you disagree with his decision to do what he did? Why are we mourning if we believe that person is where we are trying to get to? If out belief and trust in God was true, why should we doubt his decision to take our loved ones? Why dont we throw a huge party and celebrate the passing of this person that was so dear to us?
Emotion and our faith can work hand in hand. Without one, the other will work against us. You will need both to get to Heaven! So how can we deal with emotion and maintain our faith? Whenever your challenged with either, look to the opposite one for guidence. Struggling with emotion? Look to your faith. Struggling with your faith? Look to your emotions. Search within your heart for one, and you'll always find the other!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-19 Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Chrsit Jesus".
1 comment:
Hey Jeff,
Great thoughts on your blog. I have read a couple of your posts and have to say I appreciate what you are trying to do. I know serveral folks in the Pascagoula area and all of the help is appreciated I know. But one thing I will say is this: you quoted Garth Brooks song, about unanswered prayer. I think the difficulty with praying to God is sometimes he does give us answers and we refuse to take them and yes, sometimes those answers are silence from Him.
I would encourage you through your struggles to make sure that you are listening to God's answers, even though you may not like what they are saying. I would even say that it is possible that God hasn't set His purpose for you there in Pascagoula and that could be why you are struggling with meeting your financial needs.
Just a thought from a preacher. I hope God will bless you as you seek to figure out what it is you should do.
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